The Power of Repetition
The reality of communication is that when team members are busy, they don't always retain new information.
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All organizations are ecosystems that operate based on three natural laws: Interconnectivity, Flow, and
Balance (IFB). We employ our proprietary IFB approach to solving persistent cultural, structural, strategic
and people challenges. The framework for our proprietary Interconnectivity, Flow & Balance® educational programs and consulting services is grounded in trust and derived from the multiple award-winning book by the same name, “Interconnectivity, Flow, and Balance” by Yvette Bethel.
Building and sustaining trust is at the heart of everything we do. We facilitate trust in relationships,
structures, and systems. The Pillar of Trust is a model of trust that has proven results. When you want to take your team and culture to the next level so you can expand the capacity of your business, Sometimes changing how they relate with each other can give you the capacity you need.
Together, our proprietary Pillar of Trust and IFB® tools can help facilitators achieve goals in four domains.
Use our tools to scale your organization, transform your culture and support your merger
or acquisition integrating trust and IFB principles.
When students are in safe environments, they have powerful opportunities to learn. They can ask questions, make mistakes, think freely, and offer suggestions.
Trust is central to all healthy relationships. It takes work to sustain this trust, so we provide a
path to building trust within families, regardless the starting point.
Communities are comprised of a mix of governmental organizations, NGOs, families,
churches, businesses and other groups. They are living ecosystems and trust should be the primary binding factor, not loyalty based on ambition.
At Organizational Soul, we work with leaders who care about their people and culture. We work with, non-profit organizations, academic institutions, and governmental agencies internationally. Our signature methodology is based on our globally recognized thought leadership work in the areas trust, culture, human ecosystems, leadership and change.
We continue to offer strategic planning services which include HR & Learning strategies based on almost 40 years of cumulative experience.
Our IFB ACADEMY offers one-of-a-kind courses that support and challenge leaders to operate more effectively by building a trusted brand, being deliberate about culture and re-orienting toward change. We want to share our thought leadership with your team!